We Serve As Guardians For Those In Our Community Who Do Not Have A Guardian Or A Voice.

Learn More About Our Mission Below.
#WOOF Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to help those with out a guardian and today, that is embodied by two tangible projects that we working towards and growing.

Who Needs Our Help?

We advocate for those in need and our projects

  • Stray Dogs and Animals
  • Orphaned Children without a Home.

How We Work

Our projects are both privately funded by donations from our members and partner companies. We also raise funds by selling Zero-Waste Products, of which 100% of the sales revenues and profits generated from the purchase. Notice: Not only the profit, we apply your entire purchase – to fund our programs.
By doing this, our zero-waste products also have zero cost and the inputs are donated by our partners. Why do they donate these raw materials? Well, these raw materials would otherwise fill a landfill and our partners share our values: we want to create sustainable programs that improve our world.


We work with
partner companies
to take their waste.



We convert it into a
product with added
value that you can
use in your life.

Our Active Projects

How Can You Get Involved?

We don’t just donate; we actually implement programs and lead operations and teams that make sure the goal is achieved. By being a member of #WOOF, you have the option to be hands on and get involved. We need your help to achieve our goal of a world without homeless dogs or children. Here’s how you can be a part of positive change:

Last Year’s Projects & Achievements

With Your Help We Can Keep Improving These Numbers.

Our Partners

Here Are Our Proud Partners

Lend A Helping Hand To A Heart In Need

Shop our Zero waste Products and 100% off proceeds will go towards helping life forms in need.


Han Solo said “we could use a good fighter like you!” Well, we need your help! Join our organization and volunteer some time to help us execute our programs around the world. After-all, we each need to be the change we want to see in the world.

Donate To The Cause

We humbly ask for any donations to our causes. 100% of your donations go to funding our programs. Best thing is, #WOOF is managed by volunteers and the organization does not have any administrative costs. All funds go to funding our initiatives.

100% Of Proceeds Help Fund Life Changing Causes.

Notice: Test mode is enabled. While in test mode no live donations are processed.

Personal Info


Donation Total: $15.00


Future Projects In Fundraising

The #WOOF Animal Sanctuary

We already act everyday towards the above projects, but our organization is currently fundraising for a long-term animal sanctuary, where poached, abused, or sick animals from Europe and Africa can recuperate, receive care, as they are found a new home.